Daily Updates

Day 81

Today’s Weight:  379.6 lbs

Yesterday’s Water:  104 oz

Yesterday’s Steps:  8,154 steps

Yesterday’s Accomplishments:  0 Items Completed.

Which is not to say that I didn’t complete anything.  I did make dinner, and I also sent an email to a friend that was looking for information on a topic that I happen to be engrossed in right now.  The baseball game was a lot of fun, though we did have to leave early to avoid the really bad storms that came through the area (again?).  On our way back, we chose a route that was designed to mostly avoid the storms for as long as possible, and we ended up running two errands on the way home.  So by the time we got home, I had time to make and eat dinner, spend a little time on my laptop, and then help put the kids to bed.  I’ve been getting such little/poor quality of sleep that I went straight to bed as soon as the kids did, even though it was earlier than I usually go to bed.