Daily Updates, Weekly Updates

Day 106 + Week Fifteen Results!

Today’s Weight:  374.4 lbs

Yesterday’s Water:  120 oz

Yesterday’s Steps:  3,427 Steps

Yesterday’s Accomplishments:  10 Items Completed.

I managed to get a lot done yesterday.  Sorted laundry, and washed/dried/put away 4 loads of laundry, plus washed/dried another load and washed another load.  I also was able to get the clothing rack we take on our long camping trips out of storage and set it up – I’m rewashing all our medieval reenactment garb and hanging it out in the garage, instead of leaving it piled in a box in our bedroom.  Just having the box out of the bedroom is a huge relief.  I also took the kids on a car nap.  And got the opportunity to go grocery shopping for specific things we needed completely by myself.  I like grocery shopping by myself, and had forgotten how much I do.  A good start to the week!