Daily Updates

Day 89

Today’s Weight:  378.0 lbs

Yesterday’s Water:  138 oz

Yesterday’s Steps:  (considerably more than) 3,228 steps

Yesterday’s Accomplishments:  1 Item Completed plus progress on another item.

A short list of accomplishments yesterday:  I finished a blog post for Tuesday.  Also made progress on the book I’m reading.  A bit disappointed the major weight motion downward didn’t stick, although if you look at history, the trend is still downward, just the sudden jump down a few days back was an anomaly.

Figuring out when to do everything I need to do is tricky.  I have a lot of things that piled up over the winter and spring that I just didn’t touch or deal with, such that I’m more backlogged than usual.  If all those things were magically done, I would still have a lot to do, but lots of the things are related to Alice’s Business, or Stitchy, so it’s relatively easy to prioritize and put forth good effort to one thing at a time.  For now, I’m working towards as many businessy (may not actually be a word) things as I can but also trying to work through the backlog of important stuff.

With a long weekend coming up, I might be able to get some more things done that I’ve been wanting to – that extra day can be very helpful.  It ultimately depends on what we do this weekend and how willing the children are to spend some time playing while I’m in the room, but not playing with them directly and working on my laptop.  We shall see.  Although I hope to finally get a chance to stain the wood for our benches and picnic table, and maybe make a run out to the landfill with some trash that we need to get rid of.