Daily Updates, Weekly Updates

Day 29 + Week Four Results

Today’s Weight:  ?? lbs

Yesterday’s Water:  100 oz

(Posted retroactively.  Still on vacation.)

Since I don’t have an actual weight for today, I don’t really have a way (a weigh – see what I did there) to actually report this week’s progress.  I’ve been doing poorly on the water.  Not as poorly as it looks as I’m sure I’m actually drinking more water than I’ve logged, I’m just thrown so far out of my routine it makes it hard to log my water intake.

I’m still not probably doing as good as I should about the water.  Carrying a larger capacity water bottle around with me would probably help a lot with that.  For the upcoming cruise, I may do just that.

Regarding food intake, I feel like I’m doing really well with that.  I’ve been very thoughtful about when I’m eating, how much I’m eating, etc.  Given all that, I strongly suspect I’ll be down when I get back to being able to weigh myself again.