Today’s Weight: 377.0 lbs (UH WHAT?)
Yesterday’s Water: 142 oz
Yesterday’s Steps: 4,260 Steps
Yesterday’s Accomplishments: 0 Items Completed.
In addition to continuing to feel like crap (and frankly, unmotivated) add exhausted, and I’ve been doing something to my neck each night in my sleep that’s been making it uncomfortable all day long. About the time I finally get the kinks worked out of it such that I feel ok, it’s time for bed again…
Did go spend time with some friends last night, and the kids got to play with some of their friends, which was nice, as it is always.
Fell asleep while waiting for Jasper to be asleep enough to move to his bed, and completely missed several text messages, instant messages, facebook messages, phone calls, and voicemail notifications from Alice – despite my phone being in my hand (literally – so that it would wake me up), the volume being audible, and the vibration being on. Usually when I fall asleep while waiting like that, I see it coming and hold my phone so I know when Alice needs me to come move Jasper. Apparently I was so tired I completely missed all those attempts to get in touch. Oops. I must have been tired. Woke up still feeling lousy this morning. It’s not exactly feeling like an illness – more like exhaustion and just unpleasant/unhappy.
Hopefully I can catch up some this weekend.