Daily Updates

Day 5

Today’s Weight:  399.3

(Back up a bit.  Not worrying.)

Yesterday’s Water:  136 oz

In order to better remember to drink water, I installed Hydro Coach on my phone yesterday.  I’m actually pretty impressed with the free version of the app, although I strongly dislike the ads.  Apparently you can pay to remove the ads permanently for less than two bucks.  If I’m stilling using it in a month, I might.  There’s also a Pro version of the app that adds some additional stuff.

For now I’m sticking to the basics – it has some pretty nice customization options.  You can define the water vessels you drink from regularly so they are at hand in the app, and then you simply click one of them to drain it into the pool of water you’ve drank that day.  It also does notifications, popping up an icon in the tray whenever you are due to drink more water.  Amusingly, the reminders get more intense and angrier the longer you go without logging water to drink.  You can define a daily goal, and start and end times, and from there, the tool will remind you at appropriate intervals how much you should have drank.

Starting to feel less of the “brain-fog” and have been feeling more focused and mentally sharp over the last day or so.

One Comment

  1. Hey Dan. Just want you to know im paying attention. I wish you luck on your journey.

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