Daily Updates

Day 86

Today’s Weight:  375.6 lbs

Yesterday’s Water:  180 oz

Yesterday’s Steps:  4,611 Steps

Yesterday’s Accomplishments:  0 Items Completed.  Progress on 2 Items.

I just felt like yesterday was going to be good and looking at the numbers, I’m pretty happy with how it panned out.  I’m at another all-time-low on the weight, and did fantastic pushing water yesterday.  My steps could be better, but up to now I’ve been measuring more than actually pushing for more steps.  I put some time in to reading my current book, and I had my usual Monday meeting with Brian to work on Stitchy – we spent the entire time pushing to turn all the details from our meeting on Sunday with our SMEs into User Stories with details – we got about 3/4 of the way through the stack of cards that were primarily version 1 features.  Obviously we’ll have to keep going to get that done.  I’m really happy with the tool we are using to track user stories (Pivotal Tracker) as it is delivering just the functionality we need right now, but I can see additional things we could choose to fill in if we wanted to.  For now, we are sticking to getting the titles/descriptions of each task correct.

Today’s already shaping up to be a good day – I downed 40 oz of water at 8 AM and stepped out the door.  I generally don’t have time to exercise in the morning before work, because my schedule has me getting up earlier than I really want (7:30) as it is – and that’s just to shower, dress, and drive to work to get to the office around 8:30.  But I’m working from home most Tuesdays now.  Turns out, if I get up at the same time, I have a magical 30 minutes extra in my morning routine.  So, with podcasts queued, I stepped out the front door at 8:06 AM, intending to walk as far away as I could in 12 minutes, and then walk back for 12 minutes, putting me back at my front door in time to login and work.  I don’t get to stand up and walk around as much when I’m at home, because I am behind a closed door so the kids don’t interrupt, so I try to make my presence unknown to them as much as possible so they don’t come pound on my door and ask for things.  But walking around the neighborhood should make up for most of the missed walking – I’ve already done 2,700 steps so far today.

As usual, working from home is actually way less distracting for me, so I’m getting a lot more done.

Hoping tomorrow is a repeat of yesterday’s success.